To subdivide shares on your company secretarial system you firstly have to create a new share
class and then convert the old share class to the new one. To add a new share class select the
company you want to work on and then go to:
Menu > Company > Connections > Share classes > Add a share class
From here you can fill in all of the relevant details including the share class name (usually
Ordinary A, Ordinary B etc) the nominal value and voting rights (be sure to untick the box if the
shares do not have voting rights).
With the Voting and equity rights we have supplied some examples, both summary and full
wording for you to use if you wish. The full wordings should be used for companies formed
under the Companies Act 2006. The summary wordings are acceptable for older companies.
Now that you have created a new share class you can subdivide a share. Go to
- Company > Share Center
- Click 'Add a transaction' on the action bar above the table
- Select Subdivision
- Click Next
From here select which shares you want to convert e.g Ordinary A and then select which share
class you want to convert them to.
Next select if you would like to convert some of the shares or all of them.
- Click Next
- Select ratio of new shares for old shares
- Click Next
- Add the Date of the subdivision and then click Next
- Here you can review the subdivision and either go Back or Make Register Entries
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